Monday, April 16, 2012

Imperial Woodpecker Art

   This is a handcolored lithograph of an Imperial Woodpecker from the book, Das Buch der Welt.  The book was published by, Hoffmann'sche Verlags-Buchhandlung“ in Stuttgart/Germany, 1866.  The artist is E. Hochdanz who was a prominent natural history illustrator of the time.
     Other birds in the illustration are the: Northern Flicker (yellow shafted flicker, or Yellowhammer if you’re from Alabama), Female red-naped Sapsucker, as the red on the forehead extends to the bill.  This could possibly be a Yellow-bellied Sapsucker as illustration of this era lack accuracy, and Lewis’s Woodpecker. I am extremely happy to add this to my collection of Ivory-bill art!