Saturday, September 25, 2010


It has been sometime since I have posted. Over the summer Norma and I traveled more than 12,000 miles to photograph birds in the western and northern states as well as Canada. You can follow my photography blog at
The following is a brief note to tie-up the loose end I left for the April trip to Bayou De View.

Day three of the April visit to Bayo De View was interesting but gave no sightings of an ivorybill. Tom Sheley report hearing a series of "kent" like calls for about twent minutes at the north end of Stab Lake. I heard a single "kent" like call about a quarter mile north of Stab Lake as well. Tom Searched for the source of the call, but it stayed just ahead of hima and did not see its maker. Day four was uneventful with not sound or sight of a bird. I ran decoys for four days, a total of 32 hours of video. Though I have not seen all the video from that trip, what I have seen as yielded no positive results.

I will be Arkansas in October. Weather should be cooler and I will be working alone. Perhaps I will have better luck. My main goal of the October visit is to search for scaling, though decoys and video cameras will be deployed as well.

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